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Среднеазиатская овчарка
cavabanajДата: Вторник, 05.07.2022, 01:51 | Сообщение # 61
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rtagabaДата: Суббота, 16.07.2022, 10:21 | Сообщение # 62
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BogdanjlfДата: Четверг, 28.07.2022, 10:00 | Сообщение # 63
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BogdaneisДата: Среда, 10.08.2022, 16:14 | Сообщение # 64
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Привет товарищи.

Кресла и стулья – самая многочисленная группа товаров, которые относятся к офисной мебели. В подавляющем большинстве находятся кресла, которые предоставляют пользователю возможность с легкостью менять положение в пространстве. Роль обивки кресел наиболее часто исполняют ткань, искусственная кожа и сетка. Каждый из этих материалов имеет ряд преимуществ. Например, ткань и сетка эффективно противодействуют появлению пота, а кожа очень проста в уходе. Большинство кресел оборудованы подлокотниками. Широко распространенным конструктивным элементом данного вида мебели является подголовник. Для перемещения кресел в пространстве используются колесики. Чрезвычайно важную роль играет основание. Наиболее долговечны кресла, основание которых изготовлено с применением металла. Выбор кресел и стульев обуславливается индивидуальными предпочтениями пользователя. Прежде всего нужно определиться с материалом обивки и с необходимостью наличия подлокотников и подголовника. Важными факторами при выборе являются вид и количество доступных регулировок. В случае, если масса тела пользователя высока, стоит обращать внимание на показатель максимальной нагрузки. Цвет мебели влияет на внешний вид и практичность. Светлые кресла и стулья нуждаются в более тщательном уходе. Кресла и стулья, которые подойдут почти любым пользователям, можно приобрести в интернет-магазине. Вы с высокой долей вероятности выберете мебель, которая будет радовать вас очень долго. Дистанционный способ приобретения товаров порадует вас простотой и эффективностью.
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4)игровое кресло - Мы заботимся о том, чтобы предоставляемый нами сервис был высокого уровня.
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BogdaneseДата: Понедельник, 19.09.2022, 08:25 | Сообщение # 65
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BogdanoouДата: Понедельник, 24.10.2022, 03:02 | Сообщение # 68
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Приветствую Вас друзья.

Качественная офисная мебель повышает престиж компании и улучшает условия труда ее сотрудников. Мы предлагаем комплекты и отдельные единицы офисной мебели собственного производства. В нашем интернет-магазине вы можете выбрать недорогие и качественные шкафы и кресла для кабинета руководителя, стеллажи и компьютерные столы для персонала, стулья для гостей.Отличительные особенности офисной мебели.Офисная мебель используется чаще домашней. Поэтому к ней предъявляют высокие требования в плане износостойкости и прочности. Кресла и стулья должны быть удобными, но не расслабляющими. В офисе трудится персонал различного ранга, соответственно, и виды мебели имеют свое назначение.Как выбрать офисную мебель.Мебель для офисов выбирают в зависимости от статуса пользователя:1. Для кабинета руководителя крупной компании подойдет комплект Премиум класса. 2. Рабочие места персонала оформляют функциональными и удобными комплектами – роскошь здесь не уместна. 3. На ресепшн уместна модульная конструкция – изогнутая или прямая. Основное требование к стойке – быть одинаково удобной для посетителя и секретаря. Дизайнеры интерьеров рекомендуют выбирать для офисов лаконичную мебель. Почему с нами выгодно работать.Мы предлагаем продукцию, изготовленную на наших производственных площадях по чертежам дизайнеров «Фокуса». Чтобы максимально упростить процедуру покупки, мы организовали интернет-магазин. Здесь покупатель может выбрать по каталогу необходимую мебель и сразу же оформить заказ.
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3)офисная мебель - Каждый товар проходит тщательные испытания на различных видах и только после этого запускается в серийное производство.
4)игровое кресло - Мы заботимся о том, чтобы предоставляемый нами сервис был высокого уровня.
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AntoniojhdДата: Понедельник, 24.10.2022, 06:44 | Сообщение # 69
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Привет друзья.

Мебель для офиса.Кабинет руководителя. Солидные комплекты, способные произвести впечатление. Производятся из элитных материалов, подчеркивающих статус руководителя. Комплекты для кабинета руководителя включают столы, комфортные кресла, тумбы, шкафы для хранения бумаг.Офисные кресла. Обладают надёжной конструкцией. Производятся из износостойких материалов. Обеспечивают высокий уровень комфорта и мягкую поддержку спины. Различают кресла для руководителей, рядовых сотрудников и посетителей.Офисные столы. Имеют эргономичную конструкцию, просторную столешницу, лаконичный дизайн. Различают столы для кабинетов руководителей, обустройства рабочих мест рядовых сотрудников, комнат отдыха. Они также могут быть письменными, компьютерными, приставными.Офисные диваны. Устанавливаются в комнатах отдыха для сотрудников и приёмных офисов. Бывают двух, трёх и четырёхместными. Мягкие диваны производят из износостойких материалов, требующих минимального ухода.Офисные шкафы. Предназначены для хранения документации, оргтехники, канцелярских принадлежностей, личных вещей и одежды сотрудников. Бывают мало- или крупногабаритными, с одной или несколькими створками, открытыми, комбинированного типа и т. д.
1)кресло компьютерное - Можно купить в России самовывозом в течении 20 минут, либо c оперативной доставкой.
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3)офисная мебель - Каждый товар проходит тщательные испытания на различных видах и только после этого запускается в серийное производство.
4)игровое кресло - Мы заботимся о том, чтобы предоставляемый нами сервис был высокого уровня.
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BogdanzijДата: Понедельник, 24.10.2022, 18:10 | Сообщение # 70
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Приветствую Вас друзья.

Качественная офисная мебель повышает престиж компании и улучшает условия труда ее сотрудников. Мы предлагаем комплекты и отдельные единицы офисной мебели собственного производства. В нашем интернет-магазине вы можете выбрать недорогие и качественные шкафы и кресла для кабинета руководителя, стеллажи и компьютерные столы для персонала, стулья для гостей.Отличительные особенности офисной мебели.Офисная мебель используется чаще домашней. Поэтому к ней предъявляют высокие требования в плане износостойкости и прочности. Кресла и стулья должны быть удобными, но не расслабляющими. В офисе трудится персонал различного ранга, соответственно, и виды мебели имеют свое назначение.Как выбрать офисную мебель.Мебель для офисов выбирают в зависимости от статуса пользователя:1. Для кабинета руководителя крупной компании подойдет комплект Премиум класса. 2. Рабочие места персонала оформляют функциональными и удобными комплектами – роскошь здесь не уместна. 3. На ресепшн уместна модульная конструкция – изогнутая или прямая. Основное требование к стойке – быть одинаково удобной для посетителя и секретаря. Дизайнеры интерьеров рекомендуют выбирать для офисов лаконичную мебель. Почему с нами выгодно работать.Мы предлагаем продукцию, изготовленную на наших производственных площадях по чертежам дизайнеров «Фокуса». Чтобы максимально упростить процедуру покупки, мы организовали интернет-магазин. Здесь покупатель может выбрать по каталогу необходимую мебель и сразу же оформить заказ.
1)кресло компьютерное - Можно купить в России самовывозом в течении 20 минут, либо c оперативной доставкой.
2)кресло офисное - Мы предлагаем вам приобрести только качественный товар.
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AstetSuetaДата: Понедельник, 24.10.2022, 18:11 | Сообщение # 71
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6380 8680 6513 4503 6251 2558 6330 6298 4319 8260 9404 5869 1980 7740 1487 875 3697 4296 723 2706 1069 3447 3908 756 8 9226 4651 2520 9418 4120 2302 6160 7773 8575 2287 1383 446 1627 7467 8068 6079 6408 1037 7409 3696 1805 2363 3185 945 4947 8887 3377 4529 3522 1026 5759 8206 5559 8993 996 1780 8077 9100 6186 7140 2649 6977 8988 1130 5877 5017 8930 9713 2789 8602 7425 9779 6905 9455 7629 4087 116 1016 6573 5918 7763 9893 2425 2447 8037 1786 4431 8519 4452 4143 8412 7352 4868 3181 3304 1293 7367 3624 9705 5549 6191 1602 1501

It is a fictional story featuring a couple arguing in a lift about a previous sexual encounter, interwoven with flashbacks to the evening it took place.
Prof Mandane-Ortiz said her initial request had been for students to make a "simple" design out of paper.
The villages here are mostly destroyed from both their occupation and recent liberation. Despite the eerie quiet and visible destruction, there is movement.
Xi's ruthless and dramatic consolidation of power has caused many to liken him to Mao. But Mao's destructiveness was rooted in his desire to build a socialist utopia. What does Xi want to build?
"If you're going to compare two people, it has to reveal something. It's like comparing Putin to Stalin or Liz Truss to Margaret Thatcher."
"Those Russians said they were liberators, they just started robbing us!" says a tearful Fedir. He says they took his car, furniture and mattresses. Nearly every house on his street has been damaged.
She'd been "blacklisted" by the Russians, allegedly because she supplied villagers with food and helped them evacuate.
China's brashness has been driven by its extraordinary power as both the world's biggest factory and marketplace. It has so far seemed unstoppable, poised to unseat the US as the largest economy.
Fear and loyalty has led to "over-compliance and over-implementation of what Xi himself originally wanted", Ms Shirk says.
As the war in Ukraine enters its ninth month, some analysts believe the Saudis will likely remain defiant of Western pressure to align against Moscow. They say that, for the leadership in Riyadh, maintaining relatively neutrality serves Saudi interests and the kingdom is using this war – and its reaction to it – to send a message to the US that Saudi Arabia is not Washington’s vassal state.
Ms Hartley said she had found it impossible to make direct contact with someone from the platform to get help.
Ms Hartley's original video, Keep Breathing, was 18 minutes long and made in 2018, with funding from various local organisations in Derby and backed by the British Film Institute.
"She should then be part of this top team."
There are moments when this war feels utterly mindless. Witnessing the visible trauma in the village of Kreshchenivka is one of those instances.
Nothing that Mao would recognise, Prof Karl says.
Riyadh has maintained its cooperative relationship with Russia since Putin sent troops into neighbouring Ukraine in late February. In fact, at the start of the war, Saudi Arabia’s Kingdom Holding Co invested at least $500m in Gazprom, Rosneft and Lukoil, just as the West was punishing these Russian energy giants with sanctions.


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AstetSuetaДата: Понедельник, 24.10.2022, 18:12 | Сообщение # 72
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4379 7380 6224 4075 816 7930 912 9970 288 9921 9471 171 2242 9673 2416 9968 9104 9576 3724 3583 6025 9221 968 6711 6098 1253 6849 2256 7986 9546 7852 475 7926 2299 540 5547 1166 246 5975 4941 7870 9665 704 5103 4403 2425 2345 9014 6634 2702 6283 8025 6645 9779 5875 1328 8762 8199 3650 7098 1853 4796 7418 9887 9604 8894 6211 4195 2559 9502 5746 5510 4540 2771 7576 4599 4421 324 1599 9968 19 6029 5001 658 6267 2775 2070 8574 1985 5437 5785 4427 5554 4185 4451 3696 7711 8096 7177 3920 9268 9108 8936 6051 9184 4165 8398 8983 3080 6629 3779 9092 9311 8216 9623 5536 9774 5514 1631 9399 1061 4493 9289 3408 8123 556

In Xi's China there is almost no room for diversity. Xinjiang's 12 million Uyghur Muslims are being forcibly assimilated. Similar programs are under way in Tibet and Inner Mongolia.
"The policies that Xi has applied - the re-education camps - it's about making them more Chinese than Uyghur," Mr McGregor says. "It's cultural genocide."
In the last few moments, former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith has thrown his weight behind Rishi Sunak's campaign.
In July it was reported that Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, was going to make its algorithm more similar to TikTok's, rather than prioritising content from accounts that individuals were already following.
Many of them finished their tests early, she added - and nobody was caught cheating this year.
But he added that if Rishi Sunak won, he would have his support.
The truth is Xi's path to power was far from inevitable. And it's defined as much by his ambition as it is by the party's failure to prevent what they did not want - a repeat of Mao's disastrous one-man rule.
But they never made it this far. Twenty miles on, a rusty watermelon monument marks the tide mark of Moscow's advance.
Its creator Emmeline Hartley says she believes TikTok's algorithms are driving more hate towards the film.
The graft ran deep. In Beijing, I remember going to a nightclub whose owner was reputed to have a ready supply of illicit drugs and attractive young women for those with enough money. His business partner was the public security bureau - the police.
The video clips were quickly removed. The internet is instantly scrubbed of any signs of dissent or criticism, but the ire over zero-Covid has been palpable - even rare signs of protest have emerged, if only for moments, before they are silenced. It's hard to deny that millions of Chinese hold Xi personally responsible for the cruelty of China's grim lockdowns.
Prof Mandane-Ortiz said her engineers-in-training took the idea and ran with it - in some cases innovating complex headgear in "just five minutes" with any junk they found lying around.
In 2007 Bo was sent to run Chongqing, a vast city that straddles the Yangtze River in the mountains of southwest China. It was infamous then for organised crime.
And it appears to have paid off. Li Qiang, the Shanghai party chief who oversaw the city's controversial shut down, has been elevated to premier, Xi's second in command.
The 69-year-old lives in a part of the southern Kherson region which has been liberated by Ukrainian troops earlier in October. "My head aches from all the shelling, we almost starved to death in the first few months," he said.
Mao, by all accounts, was a destroyer who ripped up the rule book not once but several times. But Xi is no anarchist - he is not even a rebel. And he certainly doesn't want the chaos of Mao's years, which tore apart his own family, to return.
"Our community guidelines specifically call it out as a hateful ideology and we are crystal clear that we do not want that content on our platform," said a spokesperson.
“There was no doubt that Riyadh perceived a need to maintain cordial ties with Moscow, both to coordinate oil production as well as maintain a solid dialogue with Russia over its Iran initiatives,” Joseph A Kechichian, a senior fellow at the King Faisal Centre in Riyadh, told Al Jazeera, referring to Moscow’s relationship with Saudi Arabia’s regional rival, Iran.
'We came too late'


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AstetSuetaДата: Понедельник, 24.10.2022, 18:13 | Сообщение # 73
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2850 7766 8743 7265 3874 3516 3132 5465 3508 4737 3174 9933 5368 5450 2021 2891 1006 9018 2043 8419 6142 3542 8876 9706 4989 3117 7068 1390 5127 4817 9664 9237 3673 4071 2817 6489 319 2432 8503 3686 901 8869 5451 8051 5368 8794 2714 4126 4495 9410 2832 618 5493 4177 2452 7805 736 2140 1787 5894 4741 5322 9467 6341 4668 6673 123 5060 5791 7676 365 7072 1436 3528 7741 1386 2440 6678 5485 4381 4887 6237 9520 4923 797 9172 2855 5114 7168 7893 696 1089 5729 7843 4291 7019 8213 8869 7778 7828 8339 1980 1960 7804 1341 6153 6546 1932 7141 5740 4021 8255 6537 9173

How the algorithm works
These South China Sea islands are only the most daring and visible of Xi's moves to take control of the near abroad. Taiwan could be next.  
The outline of a runway and the extraordinary 9km long artificial island emerged as we approached.
The country was still recovering in that decade or so following Mao's death. Tens of millions had died on his watch - first from hunger because of his devastating mission to industrialise China overnight; and then in the violent, paranoid purges of rivals, dissidents, intellectuals and "class enemies".
But his son is driving a strident ethno-nationalism that seeks to unite the Chinese at home and drive away foreign powers who are, in Beijing's view, trying to encircle and weaken China.
At the end of May the hardliners won. Early on the morning of June 4, the tanks rolled in. The massacre at Tiananmen Square ended debate about political reform. Instead, the Communist Party turned to economic reform.
"If you're going to compare two people, it has to reveal something. It's like comparing Putin to Stalin or Liz Truss to Margaret Thatcher."
There are moments when this war feels utterly mindless. Witnessing the visible trauma in the village of Kreshchenivka is one of those instances.
Public don't want a fourth election in seven years - ERG chair
But they never made it this far. Twenty miles on, a rusty watermelon monument marks the tide mark of Moscow's advance.
This keeps them on the platform for longer and more frequently, which is good for advertisers and therefore also good for TikTok's advertising revenue.
Yet in the words of the Ukrainian soldier Gadfly, "what choice do we have"?
It added that it had removed more than 100 comments from Ms Hartley's video, which it said was a small proportion of the number that had been left.
"Heaven is high and the emperor is far away" is an old, oft-quoted saying in China. It means there is no-one watching what you are doing.
By the time I returned in 1998 the whole country had taken to heart Deng's invocation "to get rich is glorious". That year the Communist Party decreed China's state-owned housing stock be sold off, lock, stock and barrel.  Swathes of Beijing's historic grey-brick courtyards were being demolished and replaced with glass and steel.
Prof Mandane-Ortiz said her initial request had been for students to make a "simple" design out of paper.
list of 4 items
In 2005 I was handed a DVD smuggled out of a village called Dingzhou in Hebei province. It showed a pitched battle between local farmers and dozens of armed thugs, hired by a state-owned power company, to force them off their land. The farmers had dug deep trenches in their fields. The thugs attacked at dawn opening fire with shotguns and beating the farmers with steel bars. Six were killed.
By 1989, that included General Secretary Zhao Ziyang, a reformist.


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AstetSuetaДата: Понедельник, 24.10.2022, 18:14 | Сообщение # 74
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5018 1601 4435 8660 2437 679 3890 3261 4605 2284 5501 3191 8267 3092 2686 833 2049 2315 764 502 7172 4113 6095 1183 3989 2078 5821 1662 3271 8551 5966 9013 7925 9786 9770 6580 9839 9617 4590 6228 2808 2234 8150 6511 4096 2488 344 9902 2853 6940 9785 910 5284 3243 1245 9406 7627 4606 5836 2184 323 838 9839 9999 9295 820 1149 9224 1380 4265 8857 2781 1459 3734 6041 3875 3468 1191 9038 2324 9730 3506 7970 4200 5688 3487 1820 9186 8176 8130 242 3532 7768 4710 7395 8085 8788 9295 1750 3956 6520 1497 3424 7198 1972 658 3202 628 2381 6317 7216 7453 7086 7776 4811 9434 550 8729 7705 7830 5547 8614 1240 1940 8551 2085 4115 4009 8368 6161 9838 1754 5855 6826 9325 9690 9234 9376 9785 8231 3248 7237 538 7684

She was inspired by a technique reportedly used in Thailand some years previously.
As land prices shot up because of the reforms, party officials across China were confiscating property from peasant farmers, selling it to developers, and pocketing a hefty cut.
"Our community guidelines specifically call it out as a hateful ideology and we are crystal clear that we do not want that content on our platform," said a spokesperson.
"She believes in leading from the front. She also believes that we need a fresh face to take on all of these challenges."
They also reportedly inspired schools and universities in other parts of the country to encourage their own students to put together anti-cheating headwear.
But he added that if Rishi Sunak won, he would have his support.
There is significant military activity. A logistical supply line forms an artery towards Ukraine's continued counteroffensive.
Do relations with Saudi Arabia still serve US interests?
Fear and loyalty has led to "over-compliance and over-implementation of what Xi himself originally wanted", Ms Shirk says.
The two-minute video, from an account with about 1,700 followers, has been viewed more than 1.2 million times.
But another Mordaunt backer, Conservative MP Heather Wheeler, insists that the Tory party needs her "fresh face", rather than "somebody with fingers on the knife of getting rid of other people".
In Arab countries, however, this Manichean narrative is largely rejected. Saudi Arabia and other members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) basically view the conflict in Ukraine as a complicated European conflict, which does not require Arab states to stand against Vladimir Putin’s government.
"The policies that Xi has applied - the re-education camps - it's about making them more Chinese than Uyghur," Mr McGregor says. "It's cultural genocide."
Xi's ruthless and dramatic consolidation of power has caused many to liken him to Mao. But Mao's destructiveness was rooted in his desire to build a socialist utopia. What does Xi want to build?
Moscow-installed politicians have recently been "evacuating" people. Ukraine has accused Russian troops of preparing to blow up the nearby Kakhovka dam. Russia denies this but if it happened Kyiv says it would lead to 80 settlements being flooded.
In November 2015, I took off from the Philippine Island of Palawan in a tiny single engine Cessna. Our destination was the Philippine-controlled atoll of Pagasa, 400 miles away in the middle of the South China Sea. Our plan was to pass close to a new Chinese military base, built on an artificial island atop "mischief reef".
Mark Francois says Rishi Sunak did not commit to spending 3% of GDP on defence when he met the group earlier.
"We don't have the capacity or the manpower to respond to all the comments," Ms Hartley said.
"Picking fights with your neighbours. Dusting off plans to build large artificial islands and fortify them with military installations. Ramping up the pressure on Japan and Taiwan. It's a kind of self-encirclement that Chinese foreign policy has produced," she says.
It's a reference to Sunak, who some Conservative MPs hold partly responsible for the downfall of former PM Boris Johnson.


Последний выпуск "60 минут" эфир сегодня [url=https://t.me/minut60minutes]60 минут[/url] «60 минут» — общественно-политическое ток-шоу
AstetSuetaДата: Понедельник, 24.10.2022, 18:17 | Сообщение # 75
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1806 3721 8569 335 9604 7949 3329 8394 4653 6404 344 6580 4007 5556 8292 315 4957 4162 2578 3103 815 7760 1301 5499 241 5701 2618 3087 8346 6000 504 7293 8426 8491 7899 958 5446 301 9698 6152 3922 4578 1333 5032 9902 5462 7102 5937 6641 7549 8927 4839 1134 3417 7189 3368 2985 5138 1867 8981 3843 8622 9999 702 2691 6571 3734 5423 5145 2995 4712 2529 2784 184 8642 5352 3641 8013 3474 8385 5195 3768 1842 6198 4358 4947 2456 3312 6295 2020 7401 5977 4 5245 5846 555 7647 5561 7638 2071 9437 5095 9713 980 592 2470 3778 8391 7883 4433 9853 1515 4436 4014 4403 2510 7325 1245 7809 6037 2747 3638

That was just the tip of an immense iceberg, says Richard McGregor, the former Beijing bureau chief for the Financial Times. "Everything and everybody got a cut, but it got out of control," he adds. "It was becoming more like Suharto's Indonesia, where it was corroding the foundations of the system."
But another Mordaunt backer, Conservative MP Heather Wheeler, insists that the Tory party needs her "fresh face", rather than "somebody with fingers on the knife of getting rid of other people".
list 3 of 4
"Heaven is high and the emperor is far away" is an old, oft-quoted saying in China. It means there is no-one watching what you are doing.
Zhao visited the protesters, urging them to call off their strike in what is now a historic speech: "We came too late. It's right for you to talk about us and criticise us any way you want... We're all old and it doesn't matter to us anymore. But you're still young, you should take care of yourself."
It was implemented for recent mid-term exams, which were sat by hundreds of students at the college in the third week of October.
On Sunday Xi Jinping became the first leader since Mao to be chosen as party chief for a third term. In his decade at the top, he has centralised power in his own hands, ruthlessly eliminated rivals, promoted a cult of personality, shut down criticism, and had his ideology - Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era - enshrined in the constitution. He is known, only half-jokingly, as the Chairman of Everything.
"My first introduction to China was in the 1980s, when the debates about China's future were huge, significant, and consequential," Prof Karl says. "The party itself was involved in those debates. But 1989 shut that down."
"Picking fights with your neighbours. Dusting off plans to build large artificial islands and fortify them with military installations. Ramping up the pressure on Japan and Taiwan. It's a kind of self-encirclement that Chinese foreign policy has produced," she says.
"The policies that Xi has applied - the re-education camps - it's about making them more Chinese than Uyghur," Mr McGregor says. "It's cultural genocide."
The leadership of the United States frames support for Ukraine as a matter of defending a “rules-based international order” that is under attack by rogue authoritarians.
Nothing lends legitimacy to the Communist Party quite like Mao - the iconic revolutionary whose portrait still reigns over Tiananmen Square, where he declared the founding of the People's Republic of China.
Students at one college in Legazpi City were asked to wear headgear that would prevent them peeking at others' papers.
The outline of a runway and the extraordinary 9km long artificial island emerged as we approached.


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AstetSuetaДата: Понедельник, 24.10.2022, 18:17 | Сообщение # 76
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1371 3274 950 2866 3496 687 6166 1282 8731 4851 6350 1854 3213 4451 3911 6583 6451 4254 2382 9142 9620 176 8644 589 3613 7723 6555 2477 829 1137 3789 5728 428 5990 4938 5730 7399 6538 3796 3140 6034 9586 5511 3951 5288 656 2494 9361 8913 9988 5798 519 3063 150 6246 5744 5685 4698 8805 908 8325 3450 737 5692 4791 6808 1735 3013 3206 7723 1779 1141 632 9791 5860 4510 977 429 3165 4988 4801 7533 1179 1765 5563 7800 3246 6553 3504 1313 4946 7311 7992 5533

She was inspired by a technique reportedly used in Thailand some years previously.
A video on TikTok about sexual consent has been swamped with comments from men accusing women of alleging assault.
Despite having been forced out, you also learn a lot about the occupiers just by looking around.
Prof Mandane-Ortiz said her engineers-in-training took the idea and ran with it - in some cases innovating complex headgear in "just five minutes" with any junk they found lying around.
In July it was reported that Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, was going to make its algorithm more similar to TikTok's, rather than prioritising content from accounts that individuals were already following.
list of 4 items
Then, loudly over the radio, came a warning in Chinese and English: "Foreign military aircraft in northwest of Mischief Reef, this is the Chinese Navy! You are approaching Chinese airspace. To avoid further action, turn away and leave immediately!"
People using TikTok are served content based on a mixture of videos they have previously liked, and on which people like them have watched and commented.
Deng Xiaoping had famously said China should "hide its capacity and bide its time".
"I have reached the decision that senior experience at the heart of government matters most.
Thus, while the GCC states have largely supported UN General Assembly resolutions condemning Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, none have joined Western powers in implementing sanctions against Moscow or other policies aimed at squeezing Russia.
In 1992, Deng - who had remained China's "paramount leader" - declared that the party should allow "some people to get rich first".  It does not sound too dramatic, but it was another decisive break from Maoism. Revolutionary austerity had been shown the door.
"I don't regret it, but I'm trying to navigate how to respond," she said.
So his ruinous legacy was covered up with reverence. And now, Xi loses no opportunity to channel Mao, even usurping his defunct titles - Great Helmsman, People's Leader, Chairman. But what he seeks is much bigger.
Osborne says the Commons leader cannot command the support of a majority of MPs.
"Some of the comments have been healthy, a couple of people have changed their minds while replying to each other. I think it's important, it needs to go out there."


Последний выпуск "60 минут" эфир сегодня [url=https://t.me/minut60minutes]60 минут[/url] «60 минут» — общественно-политическое ток-шоу
AstetSuetaДата: Понедельник, 24.10.2022, 18:19 | Сообщение # 77
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9523 5693 2408 6003 9995 8039 3289 2853 960 1653 7978 503 6195 6425 8081 8931 2955 2102 7412 6453 7769 8981 9871 4104 9131 8777 2773 4130 2103 267 3779 499 2416 7001 2902 751 4524 2073 3144 1943 1740 4971 3157 1340 3703 448 985 6034 160 9418 7071 4720 2705 6488 9566 752 8374 6428 304 4044 1148 6584 9703 1595 7894 3365 8273 9845 2778 8919 1110 152 6076 1897 6206 1913 56 5951 4797 9651 6707 2565 5271 2764 1708 735 5523 7901 5777 7476 9855 1649 1647 326 2325 9262 9782 7847 1675 3661

The two-minute video, from an account with about 1,700 followers, has been viewed more than 1.2 million times.
"Each night after midnight people would start sharing video clips on social media," my Shanghai friend recalls. "They expressed their anger at the Communist Party, even at the very top leaders. They talked about how heartless and cruel this system has become."
False flag? Russia says Ukraine plans to detonate a ‘dirty bomb’
Speaking on BBC Radio 4's World at One programme, Freeman says that though Mordaunt is a "fantastic candidate" who should be at the top of the next Conservative cabinet, "it is essential that we come together to demonstrate stability and unity".
list 2 of 4
By the time I returned in 1998 the whole country had taken to heart Deng's invocation "to get rich is glorious". That year the Communist Party decreed China's state-owned housing stock be sold off, lock, stock and barrel.  Swathes of Beijing's historic grey-brick courtyards were being demolished and replaced with glass and steel.
Everybody is a bit nervous about going to the front, he says. "Your heart beats differently at times. But we signed up for this. We gave a pledge.
In 2013, an image went viral appearing to show a room of university students in Bangkok taking test papers while wearing "ear flaps" - sheets of paper stuck to either side of their head to obscure their vision.
"My first introduction to China was in the 1980s, when the debates about China's future were huge, significant, and consequential," Prof Karl says. "The party itself was involved in those debates. But 1989 shut that down."
The only thing that remains from Mao-era China is the party. And that, she says, is what Xi truly cares about.
"To that end I shall support Rishi Sunak."
Images of students wearing so-called "anti-cheating hats" during college exams have gone viral on social media in the Philippines, sparking amusement.
Prof Mandane-Ortiz said her engineers-in-training took the idea and ran with it - in some cases innovating complex headgear in "just five minutes" with any junk they found lying around.
As I prepared to leave China in 2008, the Soviet-era airport had given way to a glittering megastructure designed by Norman Foster. And the first high-speed rail line opened between Beijing and Tianjin.
By 1989, that included General Secretary Zhao Ziyang, a reformist.
Behind the scripted scenes, China's Communist Party hosts a cut-throat world. Surrounded by loyalists and with no heir in sight, Xi is now indisputably in command of a much wealthier country, with a vastly more powerful military. And for the first time, the world is uncertain of what to expect from China. Xi has swept aside the old guard, both the critical and the cautious.
Then, in 2012, Bo, who had been building his own power base for years, was brought down by an extraordinary tale of murder, corruption and international intrigue that rocked China. Today he is serving life in prison.
Thus, while the GCC states have largely supported UN General Assembly resolutions condemning Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, none have joined Western powers in implementing sanctions against Moscow or other policies aimed at squeezing Russia.


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His Chongqing model, however, was arguably the prototype for what Xi would soon unleash on the whole of China.
"I don't regret it, but I'm trying to navigate how to respond," she said.
Zhao visited the protesters, urging them to call off their strike in what is now a historic speech: "We came too late. It's right for you to talk about us and criticise us any way you want... We're all old and it doesn't matter to us anymore. But you're still young, you should take care of yourself."
In a tweet,
In 2005 I was handed a DVD smuggled out of a village called Dingzhou in Hebei province. It showed a pitched battle between local farmers and dozens of armed thugs, hired by a state-owned power company, to force them off their land. The farmers had dug deep trenches in their fields. The thugs attacked at dawn opening fire with shotguns and beating the farmers with steel bars. Six were killed.
In the spring of that year hundreds of thousands of students and workers occupied central Beijing to protest against corruption and rising prices, and demand reform. Behind the high walls of the Communist Party's leadership compound, Zhongnanhai, the party's top rung split. Moderates led by Zhao tried to use the protests to push further reform. Hardliners, led by Premier Li Peng, believed the students' goal was to overthrow the party, and wanted the protests quashed.
list 4 of 4
Then, in 2012, Bo, who had been building his own power base for years, was brought down by an extraordinary tale of murder, corruption and international intrigue that rocked China. Today he is serving life in prison.
Gadfly was mobilised in March and isn't a professional soldier. His country has the current momentum, but he thinks they can only fully force Russia out if the West continues with its military support.
Although no Arab government – save Syria – has been outrightly supportive of Russia’s invasion, occupation and annexation of Ukrainian land, Arab statesmen do not believe their governments should burn bridges with Moscow because of this conflict.
Its creator Emmeline Hartley says she believes TikTok's algorithms are driving more hate towards the film.
On Sunday Xi Jinping became the first leader since Mao to be chosen as party chief for a third term. In his decade at the top, he has centralised power in his own hands, ruthlessly eliminated rivals, promoted a cult of personality, shut down criticism, and had his ideology - Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era - enshrined in the constitution. He is known, only half-jokingly, as the Chairman of Everything.
The fields are dotted with Russian missiles that have remained unexploded because of the soft soil.
The challenge at home
China's brashness has been driven by its extraordinary power as both the world's biggest factory and marketplace. It has so far seemed unstoppable, poised to unseat the US as the largest economy.
"In the past, we could always count on China's leaders to be pragmatic about economic policy, and prudent in their foreign policy. We don't see that now," Ms Shirk says.
As Russia's grip on Kherson continues to weaken, fears grow of it deploying a "scorched-earth" policy.


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In 2005 I was handed a DVD smuggled out of a village called Dingzhou in Hebei province. It showed a pitched battle between local farmers and dozens of armed thugs, hired by a state-owned power company, to force them off their land. The farmers had dug deep trenches in their fields. The thugs attacked at dawn opening fire with shotguns and beating the farmers with steel bars. Six were killed.
Mao, by all accounts, was a destroyer who ripped up the rule book not once but several times. But Xi is no anarchist - he is not even a rebel. And he certainly doesn't want the chaos of Mao's years, which tore apart his own family, to return.
As we've been reporting, fewer than 30 Mordaunt-backers have declared their support publicly - although her team says she has many more.
"China is now doing all sorts of things that it's always wanted to do but wasn't powerful enough to do," Mr McGregor says. "Taiwan was always there. The South China Sea was always there. Taking on America, driving it out of Asia was always an ambition, but they didn't say it out loud."
Sir Roger told BBC Radio 5 Live that Mordaunt can "pull everything together" as "chairman of the board" with Jeremy Hunt staying as chancellor.
Fictional story
The graft ran deep. In Beijing, I remember going to a nightclub whose owner was reputed to have a ready supply of illicit drugs and attractive young women for those with enough money. His business partner was the public security bureau - the police.
Gadfly was mobilised in March and isn't a professional soldier. His country has the current momentum, but he thinks they can only fully force Russia out if the West continues with its military support.
Argentina G20 summit
But his son is driving a strident ethno-nationalism that seeks to unite the Chinese at home and drive away foreign powers who are, in Beijing's view, trying to encircle and weaken China.
"Some of the comments have been healthy, a couple of people have changed their minds while replying to each other. I think it's important, it needs to go out there."
Prof Mandane-Ortiz said her initial request had been for students to make a "simple" design out of paper.
Francois told reporters: "We believe that we have one - and potentially two - extremely strong options to be leader of the Conservative Party, but as a group we were unable to collectively endorse either candidate."
But he added that if Rishi Sunak won, he would have his support.
Asked on the BBC's Politics Live programme why Mordaunt - who has far less public support from Tory MPs than Sunak at present - isn't bowing out now, Wheeler says: "She's not the sort of person to throw in the towel.
Earlier this year, a Chinese friend spent 83 days alone, locked in a Shanghai hotel room.
Conservative MP George Freeman, who earlier pledged his support for Penny Mordaunt, says he will now be voting for Rishi Sunak to be the next prime minister.
Moscow-installed politicians have recently been "evacuating" people. Ukraine has accused Russian troops of preparing to blow up the nearby Kakhovka dam. Russia denies this but if it happened Kyiv says it would lead to 80 settlements being flooded.
Ukrainian vehicles are repaired at the side of the roads. Personnel carriers and tanks occasionally roar back and forth from the direction of Kherson city.
Mao had closed China's economy off from the world. Now his successors were throwing it open. In 2001 China joined the World Trade Organisation. Along the southeast coast new cities mushroomed. Some specialised in buttons and zippers, others made cigarette lighters. In Zhejiang I found one that only made socks, tens of billions of them.


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AstetSuetaДата: Понедельник, 24.10.2022, 18:22 | Сообщение # 80
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Then Covid threw a spanner in the works.
In 1989 - as the Soviet Union was breaking up - China's hopes for change were crushed by tanks and automatic gunfire.
"In the past, we could always count on China's leaders to be pragmatic about economic policy, and prudent in their foreign policy. We don't see that now," Ms Shirk says.
Ms Hartley's original video, Keep Breathing, was 18 minutes long and made in 2018, with funding from various local organisations in Derby and backed by the British Film Institute.
In November 2015, I took off from the Philippine Island of Palawan in a tiny single engine Cessna. Our destination was the Philippine-controlled atoll of Pagasa, 400 miles away in the middle of the South China Sea. Our plan was to pass close to a new Chinese military base, built on an artificial island atop "mischief reef".
We've been hearing that Conservative MP and Penny Mordaunt supporter George Freeman has urged Mordaunt to step aside as a leadership contender, and make a deal with Rishi Sunak.
Economic growth has shrunk to 2%, the lowest in more than three decades. China's property market is in free fall. Youth unemployment is running at around 20%. A trade war with the US is not helping. And anger has been brewing.
Saudi crown prince ‘not attending Arab summit on doctors’ advice’
"A lot of people far away from the frontline are celebrating," one soldier tells us, who only wants to be known by his call sign "Gadfly".
Saudi-Russian partnership remains strong
But it's still a mistake to draw a straight line from Mao to Xi, Prof Karl argues, because it dismisses all that came in between - and the Chinese who dreamed or fought for a different country.
As we've been reporting, fewer than 30 Mordaunt-backers have declared their support publicly - although her team says she has many more.
Mao's mantle eventually fell to Deng Xiaoping, who had survived two purges, and insisted on collective leadership that would change every 10 years.
It added that it had removed more than 100 comments from Ms Hartley's video, which it said was a small proportion of the number that had been left.
"Picking fights with your neighbours. Dusting off plans to build large artificial islands and fortify them with military installations. Ramping up the pressure on Japan and Taiwan. It's a kind of self-encirclement that Chinese foreign policy has produced," she says.


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